
Different kind of 'snow day'

Statistically, February is the coldest month of the year - just above January. So, I can't be surprised if I find myself running through the snow a lot this month.  Tuesday was the first REALLY snowy run.  There's been snow cover before but last night it was actually hard to see without squinting.  

I managed to plow through about 10 miles last night.  It was so nice to occasionally cross a hotel or business that was on top of their shoveling.  Other spots along Comm. Ave weren't so nice.  What was interesting though, was how much my running style changed over these rough patches.  I found myself standing a little more straight up, trying to stay over my feet a bit more (ya, I felt stupid which means I probably looked stupid).  I was forced to concentrate on my footing a lot more and, in turn, the run went surprisingly quick.  Not focusing on where I was necessarily propelled me further than I expected.  Before I knew it, I was at Boston common.  It was plowed and salted so well, I did a few laps before heading back.  Might just have to be a new snow routine...

Anyway, weather is beautiful today (Wed.) and I really wish I could be running in the sun.  This weekend is a 15 miler. I'm stepping up the training this month which means more miles, better meals, and less going out. Hopefully save some dough!

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