
Wow.  When I woke up this morning (6:30 am) it was 6 degrees out.  Awesome. Thankfully, the sun was-a-shinin' and kept our noises a little warmer and our hopes a little higher. Today was a good day. We took the T out to Woodland Hills and ran 10.5 back downtown. This run allows us to run two of the three heartbreak hills before continuing on course. Without Chip at my side this weekend (shin splints) I had to find a new buddy. I wound up running with this itty-bitty girl who was much faster than I expected. BUT, I thought, hey - its not 15 this week, it's 10.5. I can afford to go a little faster. So I did. And it was fast. 10.5 at 7:30 a mile. Now, that's not where I need to be for the marathon but for mid January, I think I'm on track. This week I'm going to focus on getting in the miles. I have speed training monday (no volleyball this week) and hopefully a hills workout later in the week. Gotta keep training! And gotta raise some more money!!!

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