

Taper Time!!

What's up party people!!! Woot Woot! Time to get mad pumped you sassy bastards...

Welp, I found out why my 21 miler was so shitty. I didn't eat. I was so worried about what was in my stomach and what I'd be taking with me that I didn't eat enough. A small dinner and nothing the morning of was a recipe for disaster (get it, recipe...food intake...) Anyway, wasn't going to make that mistake again. Chip and I went out to the start line again last weekend and did the first 18. It went really well to say the least. It was pretty nice weather and the wind was at our backs. We averaged a 8:29 mile like we were supposed to. Yes, it was the same pace as the 21 miler but I felt like a hundred bucks. It definitely built up my confidence for the race.

Now it's taper time - what's taper time you ask? For the next two weeks, we basically just maintain the fitness we have. According to coach Brian, any hard workouts now take more than 2 weeks to see the results so it would just be tiring our bodies. So 5 here, 7 there, and a 10 miler this weekend NICE AND SLOW.

I think the hardest part of taper time might be not eating as much. When you're running a lot, you're eating a lot. So I gotta cut the burritos and Snickers for two weeks. Not a big deal though it is tough to kick a sweet tooth...

I'll know more about race day after our marathon meeting tonight. For now, I know my bib number is 21786 and that I'm not so sure I can run a 3:10.  Seriously, I know I can for a half marathon and probably further but I lack the experience to know.  Do I just go for it and hope I can finish? Or do I take it a bit slower and make sure I finish?  Bahhh, decisions... I got two weeks to make up my mind.  Chip seems pretty confident and I think he'll do pretty well, better than me.  

Here are my "two weeks out" predictions 1. Chip runs under a 3:10, I run somewhere between 3:20 and 3:30.   2. Chip croaks and I pass him at 21.  HAHAHA, you heard it brother.  PASS, I ain't crossing no line wit you.  I didn't work hard for 5 months to wait up for nobody.  I expect the same.  We're strong gents, we can handle a measly 26.2 on our own two feet (with the rest of Boston screaming at our dumb asses).  

Next post will have AT&T directions on how to track my progress from the interwebs or on your phone.  Get jacked - Woooooooooooooooooooo


Longest yet, 21 Miler!!!

Talk about a challenge. That was the worst thing I've ever had to do. I'm sorry, I'm so sick of talking about it - I'm not sure how much detail I can go into...

Lets see, we had a beautiful day, perfect prep week (running, eating, and sleeping), pretty but with UC, I was pretty much out of juice at mile 9. It honestly felt like I hadn't trained a day for this thing. It was miserable. I owe it all to Chip who got me through each grueling mile. You can see the pep in his face compared to mine. I was gassed. That's about all I got. Like Matthew says, "Gotta focus on the Positive!!"

So, that's what we'll do. This week is another tough week but it's my last week to try to improve my fitness. I'm working toward another 18 miler this weekend. I'm also going on Prednosone for my UC because I can't take these symptoms anymore. Here is my weeks schedule:

Tues: 5.77 at 6:56/mi
Wed: 10 or so around 8:00/mi
Thurs: prob long and slow
Fri: off
Sat: 18
Sun - April 20: taper


It's time

Everything about this marathon just got real. We are approaching the summit; the last time you can do any kind of training that will actually make you a better, faster runner. Conquering injury and getting back on track are the only things on the agenda.

Have you had an event in life get built up to the point where it was all you could think about? It's not my wedding day or anything but yeah, the 21 miler this weekend has successfully taken over my brain. The stress is killing me, literally - I'm falling apart. Stress, UC, and injuries don't mix well. I've been trying my best to eat healthy and get sleep (Yes, I missed LOST, Office, 30 Rock, and NCAA games this week because of my 8:30 bedtime). I've also tried to get up early and work out rather than the day's end because of my exhaustion lately. I'm pretty sure it's the meds.

This weekend is going to be killer. We are going out to Hopkinton to run the first 21 miles of the race. It will be my first time out there, and my first time seeing this part of the course. For the first 13 miles, its all down hill. To most, that sounds like a blessing. In reality, downhill running is very tough and breaks down the muscles very quickly. Your quads are being asked to contract while slowing you down (equivalent to doing 'negatives' in the gym). Many runners come out too quickly thinking they are taking advantage of the downhill but are quickly awoken with a swift slap in the face from Ms. Newton. Yep, Heartbreak is just up the street and their quads are destroyed. Hopefully this will be a learning experience so I don't make the same rookie mistake.

At this point, there is no reason to worry anymore - just go with the flow, take it slow, and dominate like I do every other week. I'll let ya know how it goes.


He's Back!!!!

That's right baby. Enough of this resting bulshit. I'm sick of being hurt, I'm sick of getting fat, and I'm sick of getting out of shape. My foot feels good, the knee is so so. I hit up the elliptical a few times this week and today I made the next step. 10 minute miles on the treadmill!!! Woot Woot!

Slowly but surely, my goal is to get back up to par for the 21 miler in a week and a half. I know I can do it, I just have to stay dedicated to the training. Eat right, train multiple times a day at an easier pace, and not go out. Easier said than done.

The weather is already helping tremendously in so many ways. Getting up in the morning to train, getting home at night when it's still light out, and obviously the warmth. I'm really hoping it pulls me out of my slump. I need you motha nature!!!

12 this weekend. I'm gonna try to work up to it the remainder of this week and take it slow.


50/50 Day!

I am a man with very few answers today. Everything seems to be up in the air. We'll start with the good news.

I'm officially half way in fundraising! Wahoo! I still need to collect from our GAME ON! fundraiser too. I'm really hoping people catch on to my 'one cup, give it up' facebook campaign. It's disheartening to see people deny the event but you can't win them all i guess! I sent the invitation out to over 700 people so I'm really hoping a good number will give up a coffee for a day and donate 5 dollars.

Bad news. I hurt my foot. BAD. I've been sooo good about resting my knee, icing, advil, and stretching like crazy. When I hit the road last night for a slow 8 miler, I started getting foot pain. The knee felt great but not the opposite foot. Midfoot along the outside started to bother me. I loosened up my laces to see if that was the cause but it continued. About 6.5 miles in, I couldn't take it and I knew something was wrong. The sun had gone down and I had a very, VERY cold 2 mile walk home. I wouldn't be surprised if I get a cold on top of it all.

So WTF?!!! My body is rejecting me now without warning. What do I do? I'm supposed to run the half marathon this weekend. Do I rest for two days and give it a shot? Do I scrap it and focus on healing completely? I feel like a total failure! All that hard training must have been a little too hard I suppose. My nervousness for not training hard enough and not reaching my goal time just turned into nervousness that I have to accept I'm not going to run the race I hoped for.

Most of all, I have to walk away with my tail between my legs. The people that said I couldn't qualify my first marathon, my coach who said i was going too fast. I'm proving them right because I have no other choice. Do I have to accept that finishing the race is good enough? I have no answers people. AND its friday the 13th. I don't wanna call the trainer because I think he's going to tell me I have a hairline fracture in my 5th metatarsal because that WOULD happen today...

Anyway, I'll let ya know what the coach says about this weekend. I'm going to get acquainted with Mr. Elliptical.


Longest Yet! 18 Miler

Yep. It happened. I saw the doctor on Friday and ran 18 miles the next day. It was such a nice day I couldn't just sit inside on the elliptical. The knee felt really good and after a decent stretch I hit the streets with Chip. I planned on turning around at cleveland circle (10 miler) but felt fine so I kept going. Long story short, I passed turning point after turning point. We took it easy but completed the full 18 nonetheless. I was hurting at the end, has I should without running all week! Yes, I'm stretching and icing like a mofo today. Next week may be a modified schedule to prepare for the New Bedford half next weekend. I'll be sure to update ya. Enjoy the weather before the rain!